Category: Trends

  • What’s So Good About Japanese Inspired Homes?

    What’s So Good About Japanese Inspired Homes?

    Today’s lifestyle of consumerism paved way to the continuous piling of clutter in your home and life as a whole. But, once you learned to embrace the Japanese-inspired interior design, you will be able to regain the peacefulness and tranquility that you lost along the way because of your hectic schedule and busy life. Traditional…

  • 13 Surprising Interior Design Trends in 2021

    13 Surprising Interior Design Trends in 2021

    Because of everything that took place in the previous year, people had no choice but to seek safety in the comforts of their own houses. Extra time at home also brought homeowners determination and a bounty of ideas to replenish their interiors and make them more cozy-looking and closer to their personal styles. Houseplants Incorporating…

  • Scandinavian Inspired Interior Design

    Scandinavian Inspired Interior Design

    While the trends are now leaning towards minimalism, one design never goes out of style, and this is none other than the Scandinavian inspired interior design. Scandinavian inspired interior design makes use of a combination of soft colors, contrasts, and textures to create modern and sleek furniture feel warmer and more inviting. However, it isn’t…

  • 2020 Interior Design Trends

    2020 Interior Design Trends

    Now more than ever, homeowners pay closer attention to interior design. As a result, more new and exciting trends are being introduced day by day. This year is not an exemption. Below are some of the 2020 interior design trends that you might want to incorporate to your own home soon: There’s Beauty in Organic…